More: Library books

by Lucy

Thank you so much to everyone who has followed us or read and liked our blog since we started. It’s really exciting for us!

This week I wanted to start celebrating some of the things we are finding time for more of, starting with libraries. We own very few books. A few years ago we started giving away all those which aren’t read often enough to be worth keeping, and now we have around 3 shelves. I love books, but for me the best way to enjoy them has always been from the library.

I got an amazing haul on my visit on Wednesday lunchtime:

My attempt at a library-book-carrying selfie

My attempt at a library-book-carrying selfie

It still amazes me that I can walk into a building empty handed (except for my library card of course) and walk out again carrying a big pile of great books! Amazing.

Here’s what I got:
Zero Waste Home by Bea Johnson (I’ve been following her blog for a while)
Iyengar Yoga by Judy Smith
A Little Course in Growing Fruit and Veg (Dorling Kindersley series)
Organic Crops in Pots by Deborah Schneebeli-Morrell
Gratitude, A Way of Life by Louise L Hay & Friends

Getting books at lunchtime is especially good as I can’t look at them straight away because I am at work. By the time I get home and unpack them from my cycle pannier, I’m as excited as I ever was at Christmas! I have to leaf through each one and then decide which book to start reading properly.

I’ve started with Zero Waste Home. I was hoping it would give me extra motivation to simplify our lives, and help me focus even more closely on what does and does not matter to us. I’m really enjoying it, the sense of space and freedom within the family’s lives thanks to cutting out unnecessary and disposable products is very inspiring. I’m very grateful that I don’t wear any make up, as replacing shop-bought with home-made seems like hard work, but the ideas are so clever! There’s lots I can take away from this to implement at home.

I’ll be getting stuck into the other books soon and will pass on anything inspiring!

Other highlights of this week were: a simple but 10 out of 10 meal of eggs & beans on toast, lots of orange-tip butterflies, the frothy smell of hawthorn flowers, and more evidence that slowing down and looking around at the world makes life more enjoyable: I was able to stand in the doorway and watch this female blackbird have a drink from a dip in the concrete after the first rain for several days:


Thanks for reading!


Introducing our minimal spending challenge – month 1!

It’s 21 April, and that means it is the end of the first month of our minimal spending challenge!

On 22 March we decided to attempt to make a permanent lifestyle change by spending the absolute minimum and saving the rest. In the short term we have a goal of clearing a debt with what we’ve saved. We were realistic and both agreed that if it felt too extreme, we’d let ourselves spend more. It has to give us enjoyment and energy, not be done under sufferance.

We want to see what we’re capable of. The possibilities for freedom as a result of spending significantly less are exciting. We’ve often wondered how it happened that most couples/families now assume that they need two full-time salaries to live on, when this wasn’t always the case. Has everything got so much more expensive? Or have we just got used to living at a higher level of spending?

So, we built a spreadsheet to track every single item bought, to work out what we needed to accrue for less-often-than-monthly costs, and work out our average daily spend on food and other items. The amount left over at the end will be used towards paying off debt.

Food was the real challenge as we have always spent a lot. Our goal was an average of £10 per day.

And, we did better than that! We averaged out at £9.56 per day on food.

At work, we’ve been taking cheese sandwiches and fruit for lunch. Lucy cycles 45 minutes each way to work and finds that’s not enough energy, so makes a batch of cocoa & mixed seed flapjacks at the weekend and has one for breakfast with fruit and almonds, and one in the afternoon! They work out about 25p each.

Brian’s son (11) was with us for a week at Easter and got almost more into the challege than we were, lobbied for No Spend Days, argued that a pack of £1.39 Tunnocks caramel wafers was a rip-off and was happy with kiwi fruit for afters. He particularly enjoyed the night when all we had to log on the money sheet was £1.25 for his Solero ice cream. We had several fried egg breakfasts in the wood with our home-made cooker, and made biscuits, cakes and flapjacks from what we already had in the house. We also did some visiting, and came away with eggs, jam, focaccia, and strawberry and tomato plants given to us (We did take cakes with us – we weren’t on the hunt for freebies, it was sharing!)


We also changed our shopping habits and have been going to Aldi. As much as we both feel strongly about the state of the planet, our green consumerism was getting very expensive. The most ethical and political thing we feel we can do now is to buy as little as possible, instead of worrying so much about provenance and ethics of products, although we would still only buy fairtrade bananas, chocolate and coffee. Aldi sell fairtrade organic bananas, and the cocoa for our flapjacks comes from Oxfam. No coffee was purchased this month! Wine etc is not an issue as we don’t buy it any more.

We’ll be growing some of our own food too as we are eating more vegetables. Each week we made a big vegetable stew with miso which lasted 3 nights. The only time we bought meat was some chicken legs for mother’s day, and a pack of bacon which won’t be eaten straight away! We also spent nothing on any puddings, chocolate or cakes, other than those Tunnocks wafers on the last day of our Easter holiday!

We enjoyed checking in with blogs like Frugal Queen and No More Spending to compare ourselves! Its so inspiring to see what others are doing.

We didn’t have any meals out, and bought one takeaway, which was for Brian’s grown-up son’s birthday. Did we miss eating out? Not at all – there is nearly always something not quite right, and its much more comfortable to be at home! It also meant we savoured and appreciated the takeaway we did have, much more than we usually would – and that’s been true with everything we’ve eaten this month! Everything tastes amazing. We discovered pesto pasta (Aldi 99p red pesto, enough for several meals) – great for times when we have no bread.

Other than food, we spent money on: one bicycle light, fabric for making a skirt (more on Lucy’s clothes-making debut later), 3 fills of petrol, nose strips (sleeping aid), 1 birthday present, 2 tubes of toothpaste, shoe support insoles, and repairs to a chainsaw, plus a couple of bus rides.

As the month went on we got more enthusiastic as we found we didn’t miss anything and far from feeling like a penance, we enjoyed every change that we made. Being free of the attachment to a kitchen full of treats and eating quicker, simpler meals has given us time to do more of what matters: pottering in the garden, reading, and just chatting and being together. We’ve got renewed confidence and excitement about things we can do for ourselves like growing some food, cooking when family and friends visit, frugal ways to celebrate special occasions, making, mending and repurposing things. Really it’s a massive relief to have a clear reason not to buy and consume all the rubbish we have in the past.

And we had a real result too – a not insignificant amount of money left over to pay off the loan, which was almost 1/7 of the total amount to pay off!

We’ll have to wait and see if we’ve also reduced our electricity and water bills. Certainly we’ve been a lot more careful with our use.

On to month 2 – lets see if we can match that or even beat it!

Where to start! (in the garden)

by Lucy

The last couple of days have been spent in and around home, recharging our batteries and both getting LOADS of stuff done.

Having been nervous about gardening for years, I am feeling really motivated this year to get stuck in and be productive by growing some food, and enjoy it as a fun thing to do. I have spent enough time indoors reading books about growing food and gardening, so now have to start somewhere being practical!

So, yesterday I cleared out all the weeds from the raised bed/tubs, and forked over most of the little plot which we want to use for runner beans. I soon had blackbird and robin customers for the massive worms which I was bringing out. I went in when it started raining and watched them enjoy themselves. It was only after I’d gone that the dunnock felt happy to come out.


Today I finished the forking, and then got some advice from Brian on how to turn out the compost heap. It took a long time, but was very exciting as all the nice dark nutritious soil was revealed at the bottom. There were quite a few frogs in there that I was worried about stepping on, so I put them by the ditch. I put the compost in the planting tubs and in a big pile on the bean plot. It was so satisfying afterwards to sit on the edge of the raised bed tank, eat a homemade (weird) flapjack and have a glass of water, and feel my gardening confidence levels increase a little bit with my achievements!04 18 Compost!

No idea what to do next, but I can think about it while I enjoy looking at the compost out of the window!



More of What Matters – less stress, more life!


Welcome to our first entry on our blog. We hope you will enjoy following our journey of a simpler life, as we try to edit out the unnecessary and enjoy more of what matters.

We’ll be saving money by being frugal, treading lightly by reducing our footprint, improving our health and finding more time in our lives to reflect and enjoy what we have. And each one of these actions helps along the others.

When we thought about what matters to us, we started a list of what we want less of, and what we’ll find more of:

Sitting around indoors (unless we really enjoy it)
Thinking stupid things matter
Being manipulated by marketing and shops
Rushing around
Stress about buying perfect gifts
Ready meals, takeaways, unhealthy ‘treats’
Doing what’s expected instead of what feels right
Television on
Stuff we don’t need
Alarm clocks
Stress, pressure, worrying
Guilt about wasting the world’s resources
Back problems, aches and pains and illnesses; buying medication
Tension in body
Absent mindedness & forgetting things
Clothes shopping and laundry
Food waste


Creative thinking & inventiveness
Family time
Taking an interest in where we live (like the nice wall, above!)
Properly hearing music
Healthy habits
Library books
Time to enjoy blogs
Early mornings
Re-using & repurposing
Borrowing & sharing & lending = community
Growing food
Appreciation of little treats and freebies
Making and savouring food
Enjoying the present moment with awareness
Use out of things
Sewing, knitting, repairing things
Relaxing Christmases and birthdays not all about shopping
Working things out ourselves
Nature inspiration
Picnics and outdoor relaxing


We’ll be adding to these lists as we go along – you can find them in the Less and More page.

This is an exciting time for us and we hope you enjoy following us!

Brian and Lucy